These 5 changes in food will not let you fall ill, you will remain fit without going to the gym

The Uncut

Lifestyle related diseases have become a cause of concern all over the world. Health experts believe that diseases like BP, heart attack, diabetes and cancer are now seen in younger people than in the old times. The reason for this is that there is a huge difference between the food habits of the old times and the eating habits of today. If you are concerned about yourself and your family, then you can add many healthy years to your life by taking some things out and some things in.

  1. keep 20 percent of stomach empty

For a healthy life, follow the 20-80 rule in eating. Stop eating when your stomach is 80 percent full. Also, keep 80 percent healthy food in your diet which is rich in nutrients. You can keep 20 percent of the things you like.

2. Not a diet but a balanced diet

Many people think dieting means staying hungry. For you, dieting should mean nourishing the body. Food gets absorbed in your body only when the diet is balanced. That means take protein, carbohydrates, fat, fibers and also probiotics in your food.

3. Drink water before you feel thirsty

If you do not let the body get dehydrated, you can avoid many diseases. Hydration is very important not only for health but also for beauty.

4. Make friends with fruits

Make a rule that you have to eat two different fruits every day. You can have fruits in the evening snack. Make it a habit to drink 1 glass of lemon water daily instead of plain water.

5. Make regular food healthy

Make a rule that you will not eat without salad. When you eat dal-rice or dal-roti or roti-vegetable, reduce the quantity of grains and take more portion of dal or vegetable. Also take healthy fat in your food.

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