Pilibhit. In Uttar Pradesh’s Pilibhit district, a constable, hiding his religion, allegedly raped a girl from another community on the pretext of marrying her and fraudulently made a video of the incident. Police gave this information. Police said on Sunday that a case has been registered against the accused constable and his wife under the UP Religious Conversion Prohibition Act and other related sections.
Nagar Kotwali police station’s in-charge inspector (SHO) Naresh Tyagi told reporters that on the orders of the Superintendent of Police, the police registered a case against the accused constable Chand Khan alias Raj and his wife Gulshan Ara alias Jeva and started the investigation on Sunday. According to the police, a girl living in a locality of the area has alleged in the complaint lodged in the Kotwali that she was studying at a coaching center two years ago, during which a young man molested her. Then a police constable reached there and saved her. After this both of them became friends.
According to the police, the police constable Chand told the victim girl that his name was Raj and offered to marry her. The constable took the girl to his residence in the police line, gave her intoxicants and raped her and made a video. It is also alleged that when the victim became pregnant, the accused forced her to abort twice.
According to the police, the victim came to know after some time that the name of the accused constable is not Raj but Chand Khan. He has already married twice. The accused also started pressuring the victim to convert her religion. When the victim refused, he started extorting money from her by threatening to make the video viral. He also called Maulana twice to convert her religion. His wife Gulshan Ara alias Jeva also helped in this work. The SHO said that on the orders of the Superintendent of Police, the police have registered a case against the accused constable and his wife and started investigation.