A new player has entered the world search market, will it challenge Google?

The Uncut

New Delhi: There is now a new player in the world search market, and it is none other than SearchGPT from OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT! OpenAI recently revealed in a blog post that they are testing a prototype of a new AI-powered search engine.

The search engine aims to “combine the power of AI models with information from the web, giving people quicker answers, from clean, relevant sources.”

Currently, Search GPT is only available to select users and publishers so that OpenAI can get feedback from them. But OpenAI has big plans to integrate search capabilities directly into ChatGPT. “This prototype is temporary, but we plan to integrate these features directly into ChatGPT in the future.”

How will SearchGPT work?

According to OpenAI, currently users have to make several attempts to get the right results for their search query. OpenAI will enhance the conversational capabilities of its model with real-time information from the web, so that search can be even faster and easier. OpenAI has said in its blog post that “SearchGPT will answer your questions quickly and directly, with up-to-date information from the web and clear links to relevant sources.”

OpenAI has also partnered with publishers to give them a way to manage their content in SearchGPT so they have more options. Importantly, SearchGPT is all about search and is separate from training OpenAI’s generative AI foundation models. The company has said that “sites may continue to appear in search results even if they drop out of generative AI training.”

Users who want to try out SearchGPT can sign up for the waitlist. It is not known when SearchGPT will launch for all users.

Will Google be challenged?

SearchGPT can give a tough challenge to Google. It has the ability to incorporate information from the web using the power of AI. If SearchGPT lives up to its promises, it can reduce Google’s dominance and start a new era in the search market.

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