Hydration Therapy Benefits: After the news of his breakup with Malaika Arora, Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor is once again in the headlines. However, this time the reason for being in the headlines is not his relationship status but the drip in his hand. Actually, a photo of Arjun Kapoor is becoming quite viral on social media. In this picture, he has an IV drip in his hand. After which it is natural for his fans to worry about his health. Seeing this picture of Arjun, every fan of his wants to know about IV therapy. Let’s know what this therapy is and why people need it.
What is IV Therapy?
According to health experts, intravenous micronutrient therapy is a vitamin therapy, which is also called hydration therapy in medical language. In this therapy, vitamins and minerals are sent directly into the blood with the help of a drip. So that the body can absorb high doses. In this therapy, vitamins and minerals are absorbed faster in the body than supplements. Let us tell you, the effect of this therapy starts showing immediately on the body. This therapy is considered very effective in digestive and respiratory problems.
Why is IV hydration therapy given-
IV hydration therapy has many health benefits. This therapy helps in boosting immunity, reducing hangover, weight loss and even reducing aging effects. Not only this, many celebrities also use IV hydration therapy to keep the skin flexible and to bring glow. Usually doctors also give this therapy to overcome the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. If a person is having trouble taking medicine, then he can be given IV therapy.
Benefits of getting hydration therapy –
According to health experts, hydration therapy is very beneficial for people suffering from digestive and respiratory problems.
-By taking hydration therapy, not only obesity can be cured but also the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body can be cured.
-This therapy helps in increasing immunity, reducing hangover, weight loss and even reducing aging effects.
Cost of Hydration Therapy-
According to reports, the cost of this therapy can be around 25000 to 30000 rupees. In this, high doses of vitamin B, vitamin C, minerals are given.