Mumbai. Anand Tiwari directed film ‘Bad News’ is on the rise and it earned Rs 30.62 crore at the box office in its first week. Starring Vicky Kaushal, Tripti Dimri and Amy Virk in the lead roles, the film opened with a collection of Rs 8.62 crore on Friday and earned Rs 10.55 crore on Saturday and Rs 11.45 crore on Sunday.
Dharma Productions shared the latest updates on the film’s collections in a post on social media platform X. In the post, they shared a poster of the film star trio and wrote, “A great entertainer for all! ₹30.62 crores.” They captioned the post, “This is ‘Bad News’ that keeps on giving… Big news! Join the madness, book your tickets now. ‘Bad News’ is now in theaters.”
Released on July 19, the film is the story of a woman (Dimri) who is pregnant with twins from two different men in a rare case of ‘heteropaternal superfecundation’. ‘Heteropaternal superfecundation’ is a reproductive process in which twins have the same mother but different biological fathers. Produced by Amritpal Singh Bindra, Apoorva Mehta and Karan Johar, ‘Bad News’ also stars Neha Dhupia in an important role.