Bijapur. Security forces arrested nine naxalites and three minors from different places in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district on Monday. Police officials gave this information. Police officials said that the police of Jangla and Mirtur police station area of the district have arrested nine naxalites from different places and caught three minors.
He said that as part of the ongoing anti-Naxal operation in the district, a joint force of Jangla and Kutru police stations arrested four Naxalites from Bencharam village. Among them, ‘Jantana Sarkar’ president Boti Madvi (36) has a reward of Rs one lakh on his head.
Police officials said that during this time the security forces arrested two Naxalites from Bade Tungali village. Explosives were recovered from them.
Officials said that in another incident, a team from Mirtur police station went on patrol towards Phuladi, Edsameta, Jappemarka village. When the team was between Edsameta-Ketulnar, three Naxalites and three minors started running away from there. Later, the security forces surrounded them and arrested them. They said that the security forces have recovered banners and posters of Naxalites. The arrested Naxalites have been active in the Maoist organization for a long time. The campaign against Naxalites is going on in the area.