Chhattisgarh Exit Poll 2024: Voting for the Lok Sabha elections has been held in seven phases across the country. The dates for the Lok Sabha elections were announced on March 16, 2024. The results will be declared on June 4, 2024. Earlier, in all the exit polls, Congress is seen to be suffering a big loss in Chhattisgarh. There are a total of 11 Lok Sabha seats in the state, out of which BJP is seen winning 10 to 11 seats. At the same time, Congress is likely to get one seat.
Exit poll shows lotus blooming in Chhattisgarh
News 24- Today’s Chanakya
BJP 11
Congress 00
India TV-CNX
BJP 10-11
Congress 0-01
india today axis
BJP 10-11
Congress 0-1
ABP-C Voter
BJP 10-11
Congress 0-1
tv9 polstraat
BJP 11
Congress 00
Congress faces big loss in Chhattisgarh in exit polls
In all the exit polls, Congress is seen to be facing a big loss in Chhattisgarh. There are a total of 11 Lok Sabha seats in the state in which BJP is seen to be winning 10 to 11 seats. Congress is likely to get one seat.
India Today Axis exit poll predicts BJP to get 10 to 11 seats
In the exit poll of India Today Axis, BJP is winning 10 to 11 seats in Chhattisgarh whereas Congress is expected to get one seat.
India TV-CNX exit poll gives Congress one seat
In the exit poll of India TV-CNX, BJP is seen winning all the seats in Chhattisgarh. Like last time, this time too BJP seems to be ahead of Congress. According to the exit poll, out of 11 seats in Chhattisgarh, BJP can win 10-11 seats. Congress is likely to get 0-1 seat.
Congress is not getting even a single seat in the exit poll
In the exit polls, Congress is seen to be wiped out in Chhattisgarh. According to News 24- Today’s Chanakya, BJP is going to win all 11 seats in Chhattisgarh.
Elections were held in three phases in Chhattisgarh in 2019
In 2019, voting was held in three phases in Chhattisgarh on April 11, April 18, and April 23. BJP won nine out of 11 seats in Chhattisgarh while Congress won two seats.
CG Exit Poll 2024 Live: What are exit polls
Exit polls are a process in which an attempt is made to understand which party or candidate the public has voted for based on questions asked to some voters. Exit polls are conducted on the last day of the election, when voting ends and voters come out of the polling booths. This helps in estimating the election results at the local and national level. Exit polls help parties and political analysts to understand election trends. Based on these polls, the media also does predictive reporting of election results. Agencies conducting exit polls are constantly improving their process. Due to which, usually a glimpse of the final election results is available. Sometimes these estimates have proved to be absolutely accurate, but many times these estimates have also been wrong and there is always a possibility of this happening.