Raipur, 05 August 2024: Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai today showered flowers on Shiv devotees from a helicopter at Bhoramdev in Kabirdham district. Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma was with him during this time. Chief Minister today showered flowers from a helicopter on thousands of Shiv devotees who had reached Bhoramdev on the occasion of Sawan Monday and who had travelled hundreds of kilometres on foot to perform Jal Abhishek of Lord Shiva. This event is being organised for the first time in Chhattisgarh, when the Chief Minister himself showered flowers on the devotees.
Historical moment for the devotees of Chhattisgarh
This moment of showering flowers by the Chief Minister was historic for the devotees. For the first time, the Chief Minister of the state himself showered flowers on the Kawadias, which increased the enthusiasm of the devotees even more. This event will further strengthen the religious traditions and culture of Chhattisgarh.