Dirty and smelly water is coming from the tank during the rainy season, clean it completely with the help of these tips, Health News

The Uncut

It is said that life is not possible without water. This is absolutely correct. Water is used not only for drinking but also for many daily tasks. Just think what will happen to the house if there is no water for a day. But nowadays the condition of water has become a bit bad. The pollution level has increased so much that getting clean water has become almost impossible. Now you drink water purified by water filter for drinking. But the rest of the household work is done with tank water only. Especially during the rainy season, the tank water comes very dirty and smelly. So in such a situation, why not filter the water at home. So let us know about some ways to filter water at home today.

boil the water and use it

The easiest way to make the dirty and smelly water coming from the tank clean and bacteria free is to boil the water. This method of cleaning water has been in use since ancient times. Especially if you use tank water for cooking, then boil the water thoroughly first. If you want to use this water for drinking, then after the water boils vigorously, filter it with a thin cloth. Now this water will also become drinkable.

use alum

Alum can also be used to filter water. This is a cheap and easy method. To clean water with alum, first take water in a big container. Now add some alum and stir it. When the color of the water becomes light white, stop stirring the alum. Keep it like this for some time. After some time, all the dirt deposited in the water will settle at the bottom of the container. Now you can use this water for any household work without hesitation.

Fruit peels will also work

Water can also be filtered with the help of peels of different fruits. Usually, tomato and apple peels are used to filter water. For this, soak tomato and apple peels in alcohol for at least 2 hours. After 2 hours, take out the peels from alcohol and put them in the sun to dry. When they dry properly, put them in dirty water. In a few hours, all the dirt and bad smell of the water will disappear.

Clean the water with chlorine

Chlorine is also used to clean the dirty and smelly water coming in the rainy season. For this, chlorine tablets are easily available in the market. To clean water with chlorine, first keep the water in a large container and put chlorine tablets in it. Filter the water after half an hour. The water will become absolutely pure. You can also use this water for drinking.

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