There are some questions whose answers people are very curious to know. One of these questions is why does someone crave to eat sweets. The answer to this question has been given by the expert. Along with this, he has also told which things should be included in the diet of children in monsoon and which should not. You should also know-
• For some time now, I have been craving for sweets after meals. Why do I crave for sweets and what can be done to control it?
-Aaradhya Bansal, New Delhi
Many times, due to hormonal imbalance, low blood sugar and weak digestive system, the amount of serotonin hormone in the body decreases, which sends a message to the brain to eat something specific. Generally, in such a situation, one feels like eating carbohydrates or something sweet, which in turn increases the secretion of happy hormone serotonin in the body. Sometimes, due to the lack of some particular nutrients in the body, one feels like eating something specific. When there is a deficiency of magnesium in the body, one feels like eating something sweet, especially chocolate. If you feel like eating chocolate again and again, then in such a situation, regularly include almonds, cashews and sunflower seeds in your diet. Making green leafy vegetables a part of the diet will also remove the deficiency of magnesium in the body. At the same time, to maintain adequate amount of protein in the body, regularly include eggs, milk, meat and sprouts in the diet. Also eat fruits and whole grains regularly. Keep in mind that cravings can be reduced only by taking a balanced diet. To control cravings, eat a piece of jaggery slowly after eating or chew dates slowly. If you feel like eating sweets a lot, then drink a cup of lukewarm water or green tea half an hour after eating. It will help in controlling cravings.
• My ten-year-old child has started having a lot of stomach problems since the monsoons started. Why is this happening and what things should I include in his diet to get rid of it?
-Kalpana Tiwari, Varanasi
We should also change our diet according to the changing weather. We should always remember some rules related to food during the rainy season so that viruses cannot attack health:
• While in the summer season it is advisable to eat water-rich foods like watermelon and cucumber etc., in the monsoon, make low-water foods like gram flour, corn and dry vegetables a part of the diet.
•Make easily digestible food a part of your diet because the digestive system becomes a little sluggish due to high humidity in this season. Similarly, reduce the amount of spices in your diet.
• Reduce the intake of sour foods in this season. The chances of infection are highest in this season and the body’s immunity is the weakest. Include things like garlic, onion, turmeric, fenugreek seeds and bitter gourd in your diet regularly.
• Stay away from salads and green leafy vegetables in this season.