Food Poisoning: The risk of food poisoning increases during the rainy season, know what are its first symptoms, health tips

The Uncut

There is a risk of many problems due to spoiled or dirty food. Food poisoning is also a problem related to food. When a person does not follow the right diet routine, then many problems including diarrhea, stomach ache can increase with this problem. Come, let’s know what are the first symptoms seen in the body when this problem occurs.

due to food poisoning

1) Using contaminated water can cause food poisoning. Similarly, eating too much food can also cause food poisoning.

2) If cooking and eating utensils are dirty, or vegetables and fruits are eaten without washing, food poisoning can occur.

3) This problem can also occur if dairy and non-vegetarian items are not stored properly. If dairy products are kept at room temperature, or non-vegetarian items are not cooked properly, food poisoning can occur.

4) If an infected person prepares food without washing hands, there may be a risk of food poisoning.

The first signs of food poisoning

In most cases, the symptoms of food poisoning appear a few hours after eating the food. This includes stomach pain and cramps followed by vomiting and pain. Gradually its symptoms increase. Headache, fever, extreme weakness and dizziness can also occur due to this problem. If not treated, its serious symptoms start appearing which include blood in vomit or stool, difficulty in breathing and bloating.

How to avoid this problem during rainy days?

During rainy season, vegetables and fruits should be eaten after thoroughly washing and cleaning them. Apart from this, it is best to avoid eating and drinking outside during the rainy season. Apart from this, also stop yourself from eating street food and oily things.

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