New Delhi. In the Rajya Sabha on Monday, members of various parties including the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) launched a scathing attack on the government, alleging that its policy and vision in the field of solar energy is unclear due to which production is far behind the targets. Participating in the discussion in the Rajya Sabha on the functioning of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, AAP member Sandeep Kumar Pathak said that there is no clarity in the government’s policy and vision in this regard, nor is there continuity in its policy.
He said that India has immense potential in the renewable energy sector and there are 300 days of sunshine here which can be taken advantage of. He said that all the energy needs of the country can be met through solar energy, so the question arises as to where is the problem going.
The AAP member said that China emphasized on development and employment generation in its solar mission, which benefited it immensely. He alleged that there is neither clarity nor continuity in the government policy related to solar energy. He said that once the government reduces the import duty on equipment, then increases it the next time, which reflects instability in its policy.
He expressed concern over the delay in implementation of projects and said that there is a need to strengthen the various power distribution companies of the country. He demanded emphasis on investment in areas like batteries and skill development and said that if solar panels get damaged, there are no skilled people to repair them. The AAP member said that there are about two thousand big companies in China which are working in this field but in India there are only a few companies. He also suggested promoting new companies.
Participating in the discussion, Nirjan Bishi of Biju Janata Dal (BJD) said that there is provision of equal subsidy for all sections in rooftop solar panels (rooftop solar energy) which is not fair. He said that the government had talked about giving 300 units of electricity free before the elections but till now no one has been given free electricity. A.D. Singh of Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) said that 15 opposition parties had demanded a discussion on the Home Ministry but the ruling party was not ready.
He claimed that there are many ministries including coal, power, renewable energy for the same work and there is lack of coordination among them. He questioned that the government’s policy regarding renewable energy is not clear, so how can the targets be achieved? He claimed that the government is not able to spend the amount allocated in the budget.
V. Sivadasan of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) said that India is far behind the target. He alleged that the government is benefiting its friends and it should pay attention to the interests of the underprivileged class along with the common people. He stressed the need to invest in research and development and increase battery and storage facilities.
Sumer Singh Solanki of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said that the present government is providing houses along with electricity to the people. He said that even the common people in the country are getting adequate electricity. He alleged that during the Congress governments, people did not get adequate electricity due to which even the crops of the farmers used to dry up. Solanki said that the government has started Surya Ghar Yojana which will benefit one crore people. He said that various solar power plants will provide electricity and will also provide employment to lakhs of people while carbon emissions will also be reduced.
Former Prime Minister and Janata Dal (S) leader HD Devegowda said that he is aware of the problems of the power sector and a lot of work has been done in the solar energy sector during the tenure of this government. He stressed the need to create a local supply chain along with battery storage. The former Prime Minister said that the life of a solar panel is 25 years and its disposal in future can become a big challenge and the ecology can be affected. He said that there is a need to formulate a comprehensive policy in view of this challenge and said that disposal policy should also be included in it. Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) member Kanimozhi NVN Somu demanded an increase in subsidy in solar energy projects.