You must have often seen people rubbing the hands and feet of sick people, but does doing so really make any difference to their health? So let us tell you, whether it is Ayurveda or Yoga, rubbing the palms together for some time has been described as very important in both. Rubbing the palms together generates heat, which brings energy to the body and increases blood flow. Let us know what amazing health benefits one gets by rubbing the hands together for some time every day and keeping them on the eyes.
You get these benefits by rubbing your palms together for some time-
The body gets energy-
There are many acupressure points in the palms of a person, which are connected to many parts of the body. In such a situation, when the hands are rubbed together, heat is generated in the hands and energy in the body. Due to which blood circulation in the entire body is good.
Maintains eye health-
Rubbing both hands together also benefits the health of the eyes. Actually, the warmth of the palms reduces the stress on the eyes. This increases blood circulation around the eyes, due to which tired eyes also feel relieved.
Better blood circulation-
Rubbing the palms together increases blood circulation. This creates heat in the body and the person feels agile.
Brain function improves-
Rubbing hands and then applying it on eyes improves brain function. By doing this, good thoughts come in the mind of the person and he remains positive and confident throughout the day.
Keep the cold away-
In winter season, rubbing cold hands together is beneficial. Doing this generates heat in the body, due to which the person feels less cold.