health tips know the reasons of premature ageing habits which make you look older than your age These 5 habits make a person old before time, correct them in time, health tips

The Uncut

Reasons of premature ageing: There are many such everyday habits that affect the health of the skin and make a person age prematurely. Many studies on health show that the cells of people who live a sedentary lifestyle age faster.

It is often said that the first effect of your good or bad is on your face. There is hardly anyone who would want to feel the effects of aging on the face before time. Despite this, there are many such everyday habits, which affect the health of the skin and make a person age before time. Many studies on health show that the cells of people living a sedentary lifestyle age faster, due to which they start looking 30 at the age of 20. Let us know about 5 such habits that affect the health of the skin and make a person age before time.

These habits make you old before your age


Lack of water in the body also makes the skin look dull and tired. Lack of water in the body affects the skin’s ability to repair damage. Due to which the skin starts becoming loose and wrinkles start appearing on the face.

Not applying sunscreen

The sun’s UV rays can damage the skin and cause it to age prematurely. The sun’s UV rays destroy the collagen and elastin fibers present in the skin. These fibers keep the skin strong and flexible. Their destruction causes the skin to become loose and wrinkled. In such a situation, going out in the sun without applying sunscreen can cause skin health problems like dark circles, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.

Vitamin C deficiency

If the skin starts to look old before time, then it can also be a sign that there is a deficiency of vitamin C in your body. Let us tell you, vitamin C reduces wrinkles by accelerating the growth of collagen and gives shine to the skin.


Smoking damages collagen and elastin in the skin. Smoking causes oxidative stress to the skin, which leads to wrinkles, dryness, and discoloration.


Most young people start feeling stressed in their 20s due to the increasing pressure of studies, career, work and relationships. This stress can cause wrinkles on your skin. Long-term stress affects health by affecting blood circulation, which affects the flow of oxygen throughout the body. As a result, dark circles, dark spots, fine lines and pale skin appear on the face.

Preventive measures

Do yoga or workout regularly

-Do 5 minutes of face yoga

-Limit screen time

-Apply SPF 50 sunscreen

-Stay hydrated

-Eat nutritious food

Avoid eating fast food and soda drinks

-do not smoke

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