If you are suffering from heel pain, then these 3 exercises suggested by ‘Bhagyashree’ will give you relief, you will get relief immediately

The Uncut

Best Exercises To Get Instant Relief From Heel Pain: Working standing in the kitchen for a long time, high heels, excessive weight gain or lack of nutrients in food, all these reasons often become the cause of heel pain. Heel pain has become a very common problem among people nowadays. They are unable to tolerate it and considering it a minor problem, they avoid going to the doctor. If you too are troubled by heel pain every day, due to which you have started avoiding doing your daily work or even going to a party wearing high heels, then these 3 exercises of Bhagyashree can help you. Bhagyashree has shared a post on Instagram and told 3 very easy exercises to relieve foot pain.

Belt exercise-

Bhagyashree told in her first exercise that first of all sit straight on the ground keeping both the feet straight in front. After this, take a belt and keep it under your toes and hold both the ends of the belt in your hands. Now do this exercise by bending your legs forward and backward. Doing this exercise gives a lot of relief in foot pain.

Heel raise-

To get rid of heel pain, this exercise has to be done just like calf raises. In this, you have to keep the weight of the body on the toes of your feet and stretch the body upwards by raising the heels. Repeat this exercise 7 to 8 times a day.

Hard ball exercise-

In the third exercise, use a hard ball. For this, first place a ball on the ground and try to roll it with the soles of your feet. While doing this, keep in mind that pressure should be felt on all the muscles of the soles of the feet.

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