If you take antacid tablets for heartburn and acidity, just eat this fruit

The Uncut

The problem of heartburn and acidity troubles a lot of people. And as soon as heartburn occurs, people take antacid tablets. So that they get relief. But these antacids start eliminating the natural acid present in your stomach. Due to which this problem increases day by day. If you are having a problem of heartburn, then eat this fruit immediately. This fruit will help in eliminating the burning sensation in the chest.

What are the symptoms of heartburn

Heartburn often causes severe burning sensation in the chest. The cause of which is acid reflux in the esophagus i.e. the food pipe. The problem of heartburn can occur in both the throat and the chest.

This problem increases when you lie down

If you lie down straight after eating or have dinner late or eat spicy food, then the stomach is unable to digest it. Due to which, heartburn starts.

Eating banana will give relief

If you have a problem of heartburn, eat a banana. Banana contains natural antacid and potassium. Which helps in neutralizing stomach acid. Due to which the lining of the esophagus gets relaxed. However, this relaxation is temporary.

Do bananas relieve heartburn?

It is not necessary that everyone gets relief from heartburn by eating banana. For this, it is important to eat ripe banana in a balanced diet.

Lemon will also remove heartburn

If the problem of heartburn is bothering you due to overeating or eating spicy food, then drinking lemon juice mixed in water gives relief. Lemon, which is rich in acetic acid, reduces the problem of heartburn.

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