Raipur. Deputy Chief Minister and Law and Legislative Affairs Minister Arun Saw today attended the closing ceremony of the three-day National Conference organized by Anjaneya University on the topic ‘Decoding the Challenges of India’s new Criminal Laws’ at Nardaha in Raipur. Addressing the ceremony as the chief guest, he said that the implementation of three new laws in the country, the Indian Judicial Code, the Indian Evidence Act and the Indian Civil Defense Code, is a revolutionary decision of the Government of India. This is a big step towards providing speedy justice to the people and improving the judicial system of the country. The need to reform the old laws was being felt for a long time, but no government of the country showed courage and courage to change them. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken a revolutionary decision of independent India and implemented new laws in the country from July 1, 2024.
Deputy Chief Minister Saw rewarded the researchers and participants who presented excellent research in the conference. In this national conference which started on 2nd August, legal experts, judicial officers, advocates, academicians and researchers from across the country brainstormed for three days on ‘Decoding the Challenges of India’s New Criminal Laws’. Thanking and congratulating the Anjaneya University family for organizing a national conference on a timely and relevant topic like ‘Decoding the Challenges of India’s New Criminal Laws’, Saw said that three new laws have been made effective to include provisions of scientific techniques, digital and electronic evidence in the process of investigation and justice, as per the need of the present time. Necessary amendments have been made in the Indian Judicial Code and the Indian Evidence Act to change the old and irrelevant colonial laws made much before the independence of the country. The British had made old laws to rule and punish the Indians, while the purpose of the new laws is to provide justice to the citizens.
Saw said that the new laws will expedite the investigation and trial of criminal cases. Evidence collection and presentation will improve with modern provisions. This new act will encourage the use of digital evidence and technical equipment. All the three new laws have been made in line with the current needs and aspirations of the citizens, making the justice system more relevant and useful to the public. These laws will bring significant reforms in the criminal justice system as well as promote justice and transparency in society. Saw, who arrived to attend the closing ceremony of the National Conference, also planted an Amla plant in the university campus today.
Chancellor of Anjaneya University Abhishek Agarwal said in the program that it is necessary to change the prevailing laws with time. The Government of India has also made changes in them to make the public interest and judicial system more effective. Being a university, it is our responsibility to make people aware and inform them about the changes taking place in the country and the world. We are continuously working in this direction. By providing scholarships and financial assistance, we are also providing the opportunity of higher education to financially weak students. Pro-Chancellor of the University Sumit Srivastava, Director General Dr. B.C. Jain, Convener of the National Conference Organizing Committee Dr. Rahul Chaudhary, Head of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication Dr. Rahul Tiwari also addressed the closing ceremony. Vice-Chancellor T. Rama Rao and Tushar Chopra attended the program as special guests. Professors and researchers of the university including Secretary of the Organizing Committee Dr. Rupali Chaudhary were also present in large numbers in the program.