More than 100 Indian cough syrups failed the quality test, know how to cure cough without medicine, Health News

The Uncut

Recently, a shocking news has come out about cough syrup. Actually, the central government conducted testing of cough syrup. In which cough syrups of more than 100 companies have failed the quality test. If reports are to be believed, poisonous substances have been found in many syrups. These are the substances that were found in cough syrups related to the deaths of children in Gambia, Uzbekistan and Cameroon. In such a situation, people are afraid of drinking cough syrup. In such a situation, if you want to cure your or your child’s cough without medicine, then adopt some home remedies. Know-

Honey- Honey has been used by grandmothers for centuries to deal with cough. A teaspoon of honey can help soothe a sore throat and reduce cough. If you want, you can use a teaspoon of honey mixed in warm water or herbal tea. The anti-bacterial properties present in it also help in reducing mucus and inflammation.

Ginger- Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It can be effective in relieving cough, reducing inflammation in the respiratory tract and promoting mucus flow. You can drink ginger tea or ginger water to reduce cough.

Gargle with salt water- Sore throat can be reduced by gargling with salt water. It also helps in reducing cough. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle several times a day.

Garlic- Garlic also has antimicrobial properties. Eating raw garlic or including it in food can boost the immune system. It can prove to be very beneficial in fighting cold and cough.

Licorice tea- Licorice is very good for the throat. Drinking licorice tea can provide relief from cough and sore throat.

Cough and cold should not become the cause of infection in the lungs, identify it like this

Are you seeing early symptoms of cough? Follow these tips to deal with it

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