New Delhi. Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor starrer “Mr. and Mrs. Mahi” has earned Rs 17.12 crore in the first three days of its release. The makers of the film gave this information on Monday. The film is directed by Sharan Sharma and produced by Zee Studios and Dharma Productions. The ‘romantic sports drama’ film was released in theaters on Friday and received mixed response from the audience.
Dharma Productions has shared information about the film’s performance at the box office on its official social media platform ‘X’. The producer has captioned the post saying that the film has earned a net of Rs 17.12 crore at the domestic box office within three days of its release. In “Mr. and Mrs. Mahi”, Janhvi Kapoor plays the role of Mahima. She is a doctor whose husband Mahendra (played by Rajkumar Rao) recognizes her talent for playing cricket and becomes her trainer to fulfill her dreams.