Mumbai. Actress Janhvi Kapoor, who is going to make her debut in Telugu cinema, says that working in the South film industry makes her feel closer to her late actress mother Sridevi. She is making her debut in the South film industry with “Devra” opposite Junior NTR.
Jhanvi will act in another Telugu film with actor Ram Charan. Jhanvi is the daughter of famous Bollywood actress Sridevi.
Kapoor, known for Hindi films such as “Dhadak”, “Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl” and “Mili”, said this is the “right time” to enter South cinema.
The actress told PTI-Bhasha, “It (debut in South film industry) makes me feel closer to my mother, living in that environment, as well as listening and speaking that language. I felt it was the right time, I felt I was getting attracted towards that.” She said, “Mother has been associated with the families of NTR sir and Ram Charan sir, it is an honor for me that I am going to work with both these very talented actors.” Sridevi died in Dubai in 2018. Sridevi started her career as a child artist in M.A. Thirumugam’s Tamil film “Thunaivan” (1969). The late actress spoke fluent Tamil, but her mother tongue was Telugu.