PCOS problem may occur even after periods are regular, identify with these symptoms

The Uncut

PCOS is a problem of hormonal imbalance. In which small cysts are formed outside the ovaries in the body of women. These liquid-filled cysts contain undeveloped eggs. Due to which regular egg production stops. The exact cause of the problem of PCOS is not known. But this problem is mostly seen in obese girls. However, those women or teenage girls who are thin and have regular periods. They may also suffer from PCOS. Due to which, apart from having problems in pregnancy in the future, there is a risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

If these symptoms are visible even after having regular periods, then understand that there is a problem of PCOS.

hair on face

Sudden excessive hair loss and thinning of hair

Constipation problem before and after periods

dark patches on skin

Feeling emotional before periods

sweet craving

Facing severe pain even after having regular periods

Fat around hips and thighs

hair around nipples

when to see a doctor

If such symptoms are visible in the body even after having regular periods, then it could be a problem of polycystic ovary syndrome. To deal with this, proper diet and treatment is required.

Causes of PCOS

The exact cause of polycystic ovary syndrome is not known but it may be due to the following reasons.

insulin resistance

Insulin hormone works to provide energy to the body. But when the cells do not respond to the action of insulin, the blood glucose level increases. Due to which the body has to produce more insulin. So that the blood sugar level reduces. Due to excessive amount of insulin, male hormone androgen starts being produced in the body. Due to which there is problem in ovulation.

If a woman has the problem of PCOS in her family history, then the chances of being born with it are higher.

swelling in the body

Research has shown that women who have the problem of PCOS. They have the problem of swelling for a long time. White blood cells react to an injury and cause low-grade inflammation.

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