Plum is no less than a boon for women, actress Bhagyashree herself tells the benefits

The Uncut

Benefits of eating Aloo Bhukhara: The colorful fruits available in summer not only improve the taste of the mouth but are also considered a boon for health. One such fruit is also known by the name of plum. Sweet and sour in taste and full of many nutritional properties, plum is known as plum in English. If we talk about the nutrients present in plum, then protein, vitamin-C, fat, carbs, fiber and potassium are present in plenty in plum. This fruit is considered especially beneficial for women. Its regular consumption can cure many of their health problems. Seeing the benefits of plum for health, Bollywood actress Bhagyashree herself has shared a video on her Instagram and told its benefits.

Great benefits of eating plums-


Nutrients like iron, potassium, vitamins present in plums help boost immunity. Strong immunity helps protect the body from infections and many health problems related to changing weather.


Regular consumption of plums also helps in controlling blood sugar levels. Plums are especially rich in a polyphenol called chlorogenic acid, a compound also found in coffee, which helps in balancing blood sugar and controlling appetite. According to health experts, the low glycemic index found in plums can help control blood sugar, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.


The low amount of calories present in plums can help in reducing weight. At the same time, plum fruit is also considered beneficial in reducing weight due to being rich in fiber.

Strengthening of bones-

Plums not only prevent bone loss but also help to gradually reverse it. According to a study conducted by Oklahoma State and Florida State Universities Research, women who ate plums and took vitamin-D and calcium supplements had significantly improved bone density in their spine and forearms compared to women who ate dried plums and took the same supplements. Eating plums can also prevent women from suffering from osteoporosis after menopause.

Eliminates the deficiency of hemoglobin-

Most women in India suffer from anemia. Anemia is a disease caused by iron deficiency in the body. But plums are rich in iron. Consuming it regularly provides relief from symptoms of anemia such as fatigue, weakness, headache, dizziness.

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