New Delhi. President Draupadi Murmu on Friday nominated National Democratic Alliance (NDA) Parliamentary Party leader Narendra Modi for the post of Prime Minister and the swearing-in ceremony of the new government will be held on Sunday evening. Modi met Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan here on Friday evening. President Murmu handed over the nomination letter to Modi. Earlier, the leaders of the BJP-led NDA met Murmu and handed over the letter of support for Modi. Modi has been elected the leader of the NDA Parliamentary Party.
Addressing the media in the courtyard of Rashtrapati Bhavan, Modi said that the President has nominated him for the post of Prime Minister.
Modi said, “The President has asked me to work as the nominated Prime Minister and he has invited me for the swearing-in ceremony.” Modi said that he told the President that June 9 would be a suitable day for the swearing-in ceremony. He said that Rashtrapati Bhavan will prepare the details of the swearing-in ceremony on Sunday and by then he will submit the list of the Council of Ministers to the President.
Modi said, “This 18th Lok Sabha is an important milestone towards fulfilling those dreams when the country will celebrate 100 years of independence in 2047.” He said that this 18th Lok Sabha is the House of new energy, youth energy and people have given another chance to the NDA government. In the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections, the BJP-led NDA won 293 seats and got a majority in the 543-member House.