Raipur. Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai has accused Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra of spreading lies about the quantity of rice given to people under the Public Distribution System (PDS) in the state. Sai said in a post on social media platform ‘X’ on Saturday night that Congress’s habit of lying will not go away so easily.
In fact, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi had said in an interview to a news channel that when there was a Congress government in Chhattisgarh, 35 kg ration (per family) was given and now in the Sai-led BJP government, only five kg ration is being given. .
In his reaction to this statement of Priyanka Gandhi, the Chief Minister said, “Congress has been suffering from the disease of lying for 70 years, it will not go away so easily. Priyanka ji, if you get time from spreading lies, then say a few words on the Rs 5,000 crore rice scam done by the previous Congress government in Chhattisgarh.” He said, “Every time Chhattisgarh Congress leaders fool you by taking advantage of your ignorance. Last time, Congressmen had told Rahul Gandhi that the Congress government has made ‘food parks’ in every district of Chhattisgarh, the people of Chhattisgarh responded to that lie by sending your party into the abyss.” The Chief Minister said that this time too he has “fooled” them on the issue of ration.
Sai said, “Do some study before giving any statement.” If you do a little homework and make a statement, you will not have to feel embarrassed again and again.” The Chief Minister said in a statement on Sunday that in addition to the five kg rice (per family) received from the Central Government under the PDS, the State Government will provide 10 kg rice to single member families holding ration cards, 20 kg rice to two member families, three to five It provides 35 kg rice free of cost to families with one member and 7 kg rice to families with more than one member every month.