Patna. Former Bihar Chief Minister Rabri Devi on Wednesday hit back at Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s comment on RJD supremo Lalu Prasad’s nine children, saying Kumar has one son and he could not even handle him. Speaking to PTI Video, Rabri took a dig at Kumar and said, “He has only one son, whom he is unable to handle.” She alleged, “Nitish Kumar is abusing during the election campaign. He also has a problem with the fact that we have nine children. He should know that we have run the state as well as the family. If needed, we can also run the country.” She also said that all her children are self-reliant and now the husband and wife run the house.
“Does anybody produce so many children?” Kumar, the Janata Dal (U) chief, had said in his election rallies. Rabri has been campaigning intensively for her elder daughter Misa Bharti, the RJD candidate from the Pataliputra Lok Sabha seat. She claimed that the election has “turned around” and the BJP-led NDA is staring at defeat. Criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks during a rally in the state about Tejashwi going to jail after the election, she said, “Do whatever you want to abuse, send him to jail. You have done everything else, what else can you do now? Now be ready to leave.”
Taking a jibe at the Prime Minister’s alleged statement of being “sent by God”, Rabri asked, “God has sent him in 10 years. What has he done for the country in 10 years? He was born in 10 years. God gives birth to them, us, everyone.” Advocating the protection of reservation, Rabri said, “Modi ji is lying about reservation. He is saying that he will snatch the mangalsutra and give it to a Muslim. This is the Prime Minister’s words. The Prime Minister is not speaking on development, employment and inflation, but on saving the Constitution.” She said, “Even a foolish boy will not give such a speech as he (Modi) is giving. The Prime Minister has lowered his dignity.” She also ridiculed Deputy Chief Minister and state BJP president Samrat Choudhary’s comment that after the election results, the top leaders of the RJD will run away from their homes. Rabri said, “Yes, absolutely. We will all raid Samrat Choudhary’s house.”