New Delhi. The much-loved 1999 Japanese-Indian animation film “Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama” will be released in theatres in India for the first time. It became popular among Indian audiences when it was re-telecasted on TV channels earlier this century. Directed by Yugo Sako, Ram Mohan and Koichi Sasaki, the film will hit theatres on October 18 in Hindi, English, Tamil and Telugu languages.
Geek Pictures India, AA Films and Excel Entertainment will distribute “Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama” in Indian theatres. “The film is a phenomenal testament to the strength of India-Japan collaboration. This portrayal of the legend of Rama will undoubtedly touch the hearts of audiences across all regions and age groups,” Arjun Agarwal, co-founder of Geek Pictures India, said in a statement.