Mumbai. Actor Sanjay Dutt’s upcoming film “Ghodchadhi” will be released on August 9. The film is directed by Binoy K Gandhi and stars Sanjay Dutt, Raveena Tandon, Khushali Kumar and Parth Samthan in lead roles. Sanjay Dutt (64) announced the release of the film by sharing its poster on his Instagram account.
The actor wrote in the introduction of the film along with its poster, “Double love = Double confusion! Watch #Ghudchadhi, releasing on 9th August.” The film was earlier scheduled to release in 2022. The film will see Sanjay Dutt and Tandon (49) together once again. Earlier, both of them have worked together in films like “Zamaane Se Kya Darna”, “Kshatriya” and “Vijeta”. Samthan (33) is a famous television actor and has made his film debut with the recent film “Humare Barah”.
Kumar (35) worked in the film “Starfish” directed by Akhilesh Jaiswal. Samthan and Kumar have also worked together in the music videos “Dhokha” and “Paheli Pyar Ka Pahala Gham”. Produced by Nidhi Dutta and Gandhi, the film will be released on Jio Cinema.