side effects of drinking too much coffee can badly affect heart health side effects of too much caffeine friendship with coffee can spoil heart health, know how many cups of coffee you drink increases the risk, health tips

The Uncut

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More than 4 cups of coffee will be heavy on the heart

Your day does not start without coffee. Your work does not pick up pace without coffee. Since you are fond of coffee, you do not even consider it necessary to keep a record of how many cups of coffee you drink in a day. After all, it is coffee! But, your heart does not like this close friendship with coffee. Consuming coffee in excess puts heart health at risk. This has come to light in a study conducted by Zydus Medical College and Hospital, Gujarat. According to this study, consuming more than four cups of coffee a day increases the risk of heart diseases as you age. According to researchers, coffee makes us energetic by increasing the heartbeat. But, if this happens repeatedly, the risk of high blood pressure and heart diseases increases.

We all enjoy sitting with our dear friends and pointing out the flaws in the nature of the people we know or speaking ill of them. If you think that doing so only lightens your mind, then you are wrong. According to this study done by psychologists from the University of California, venting out your anger in front of someone does not just lighten your mind. Doing so also makes you popular among your acquaintances. This conclusion has been drawn on the basis of a study done on 1700 people. According to the study, venting out our anger about others gradually changes the opinion of people around us.

Discipline of 40 will show its effect after 70

Although for a healthy life, one should consume a balanced and nutritious diet throughout life. But, the importance of nutritious diet increases at the age of 35 to 40. According to a new study, what your diet is like at the age of 40, it has a direct impact on how your health will be at the age of 70. This conclusion has been drawn by Harvard Nurses Health Study after monitoring the diet of more than one lakh people for 30 years. The study found that people who were taking a healthy diet at the age of 40, their chances of being physically and mentally healthy after the age of 70 were 43 to 84 percent higher.

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