Ballia/Ayodhya. Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Brijesh Pathak on Sunday said that the culprits of the Ayodhya rape case will get such a severe punishment that their future generations will also remember it. Targeting the main opposition party Samajwadi Party (SP), which demanded DNA and Narco test of the victim in this case, Pathak alleged that hooliganism and anarchy are in the DNA of SP, giving protection to murderers and rapists has been an old habit of SP.
While talking to reporters after a review meeting of the health department in Bansdih of the district, Pathak reacted to the demand of SP for DNA and Narco test in the Ayodhya rape case and said, “The culprits will get the harshest punishment. Their future generations will also remember that they will get such a harsh punishment.”
He alleged, “Providing protection to murderers and rapists has been an old habit of SP. Whenever SP gets power, it is seen standing with goons and mafias. SP President Akhilesh Yadav and all the leaders of his party have been trying to form the government with the help of criminals, which will never succeed.” Pathak said that the government is standing with the victim in Ayodhya and continuous action is being taken against the criminals.
The Deputy Chief Minister alleged that after the Lok Sabha elections, the SP people are wreaking havoc on the innocent people of entire Uttar Pradesh. SP will have to bear the brunt of this. On July 30, the police arrested Moid Khan, who runs a bakery in Bhadarsa of Ayodhya district, and his employee Raju Khan in the case of rape of a minor girl. According to the police, Moid Khan and Raju Khan raped the girl two months ago and also recorded the act. The incident came to light after the girl was found pregnant in the medical examination.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has alleged that Khan is a member of the Samajwadi Party and is part of Faizabad MP Awadhesh Prasad’s team. “This is an Ayodhya matter. Moid Khan is from the SP and is a member of the Ayodhya MP’s team. He has been found involved in the rape of a 12-year-old girl. The Samajwadi Party has not taken any action against him,” Adityanath had said in the assembly last Thursday. The Ayodhya district administration demolished Moid Khan’s bakery on Saturday.
BJP delegation meets family of Ayodhya rape victim
A delegation of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) reached Ayodhya on Sunday to meet the family members of the minor girl who was gang-raped in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh. The delegation included BJP Rajya Sabha members Baburam Nishad and Sangeeta Balwant Bind and the state’s Minister of State for Backward Classes Welfare (Independent Charge) Narendra Kashyap. The BJP delegation also collected detailed information from the family regarding the incident.
Giving details about this, Baburam Nishad told PTI-Bhasha, “We spoke to the mother of the rape victim and other members of her family and gathered detailed information about the incident. Whatever action is to be taken by the government is being taken. We have also gathered other information about the accused Moid Khan. We will get to the bottom of it and investigate.” Nishad said, “The report of this incident will be submitted to BJP’s Other Backward Classes (OBC) Front national president K Laxman.” He said that the rape victim’s family is ‘satisfied’ with the action taken by the government against the accused.