New Delhi. Horror comedy film ‘Munjya’ has earned Rs 11.61 crore at the box office in two days after its release in the country. Directed by Aditya Sarpotdar and produced by Maddock Films, the film earned Rs 4.21 crore on its first day. The film stars Abhay Verma, Sharvari, Mona Singh and Sathyaraj. ‘Munjya’ also stars Suhas Joshi. Maddock Films shared the box office update of the film on the social media platform ‘X’.
According to the production house, ‘Munjya’ earned Rs 7.40 crore on Saturday, taking its total box office collection in the domestic market to Rs 11.61 crore. ‘Munjya’ is a film based on Marathi folklore and depicts the story of a mythological creature of the same name. Maddock Films has also produced horror comedies ‘Stree’ (2018), ‘Roohi’ (2021), and ‘Bhediya’ (2022).