Victims of sexual violence demand complete ban on pornographic material available online

The Uncut

New Delhi. Rape victims shared their painful experiences at an event organized on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, in which participants strongly advocated for an immediate ban on pornographic material available online. During the ‘public hearing’ organized by several organizations, rape victims told how men were inspired to commit sexual violence after being influenced by pornographic material.

The program was organized by ‘Save Culture Save Bharat Foundation’, ‘People Against Rape in India’, ‘Sampoorna’ and ‘Seva Nyay Utthan’.
A rape victim said, “Obscene material is destroying the moral fabric of our country.” He also highlighted the psychological impact of these crimes on their lives. Others in their remarks noted a direct link between the spread of online pornographic material and the rise in sexual assaults across India.

Uday Mahurkar, founder of ‘Save Culture Save Bharat Foundation’, urged the government to impose a complete and permanent ban on the creation, dissemination and access of pornographic material. He said, “Easy access to pornographic material is corrupting young minds and increasing sexual perversion. “This threat has to be dealt with sternly to protect the dignity of our women and maintain the moral values ​​of our country.”

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