Kolkata. Some people killed a BJP worker in post-election violence in West Bengal’s Nadia district. The BJP has accused the ruling Trinamool Congress of killing the party worker. However, Trinamool has claimed that the murder is the result of a family feud. Police sources said the incident took place in Kaliganj in the northern part of the district when BJP worker Hafizur Sheikh was playing carrom with others on Saturday night.
It is alleged that 10-12 people came on motorcycles and shot Sheikh dead. Locals protested for more than two hours and did not allow the police to pick up the body. Later the body was sent for post-mortem. BJP’s North Nadia unit president Arjun Biswas alleged that Trinamool “goons” killed the party worker. However, Trinamool leader of the district Rukbanur Rahman blamed family feud behind the murder and said that Trinamool Congress had no role in it.