Election Dialogue: Modi is a miraculous personality, his work in the interest of the country will form the government for the third consecutive time

The Uncut

Raipur. In the current scenario of Indian politics, Rajnath Singh is seen as a man without enemies. Rajnath Singh, who has held many important positions in both the government and the organization for the last four decades and is currently serving as the country’s Defense Minister, still sees his original identity as a volunteer of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Mr. Singh is completely confident about the return of BJP to power. Rajnath Singh, who succeeded in getting a clear mandate for the BJP in the 2014 general elections during his presidential tenure, had a frank conversation with Dr. Himanshu Dwivedi, Chief Editor of Haribhoomi Media Group in the country’s capital today amidst the election busyness. During this, he attributed the hope of winning for the third time in a row to the miraculous personality of Narendra Modi and the unmatched work done in the national and public interest during the ten years under his leadership. Read the special excerpts of this conversation:

■ In 2013, when you were the national president, you had put forward the face of Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister, how satisfied and happy are you today?

■ The decision to project Modi Ji as the face of the Prime Minister was taken by the Parliamentary Board. In Goa, everyone together decided that Narendra Modi should be projected as the face of the Prime Minister. This decision of the party was correct and for the first time in the history of India, BJP got a clear majority and our government was formed at the Centre.

■ What do you think about the BJP government at the Centre and the ten-year tenure of Narendra Modi, were the expectations fulfilled?

■ It has been ten years since Narendra Modi has been working as the Prime Minister. Our central government has not been accused of corruption of even a single rupee. All the governments that have been there before this have been accused of corruption, many ministers have also been accused and have been jailed, but there is no such allegation on the BJP government. There is no allegation on any minister. India’s reputation and stature has increased in the world under the leadership of Modi ji. In terms of economy also, India has become stronger under the Modi government. India was earlier at the 11th position in the world, but after the formation of the Modi government, India has come to the fifth position. Now there is a plan to make India the third power in the world in the economy. It is certain that by 2027, India will be the country with the third largest economy in the world. Earlier, India’s words were not taken seriously at the global level, but today the situation has changed. Today India’s words are taken seriously. When India speaks on international forums today, the whole world listens with open ears.

■ Even today people say what was done for the common people?

During the Corona period, our Prime Minister arranged vaccines for the people of the country. The Prime Minister gave every kind of support to the scientists, our scientists did a miracle. Our scientists prepared the corona vaccine and 140 crore Indians were vaccinated. India also provided the corona vaccine to 100 countries of the world. Even after so much crisis, no crisis was allowed to affect the country’s economy. I believe that this is the miracle of our government.

■ The opposition alleges that this is a government of capitalists, the loans of industrialists have been waived, but the loans of farmers are not waived?

Industrialists also have a big contribution in building the country’s economy. This tradition was going on since long, these people work to mislead the general public.

■ Is Congress’s manifesto disturbing you? Rahul Gandhi says that if he forms the government, he will give Rs. 1 lakh per year to women.

They were in power for 52 years, why did they not give it then? They know that their government is not going to come to power, so they can make whatever promises they want, what difference does it make. I believe that no party or leader should do politics by throwing dust in the eyes of the public. One must have the moral courage to talk to the public by looking into their eyes and do what they say. Today no one can say anything about BJP. We do what we say. We do not do politics by keeping the public in the dark. We are not doing politics just to form the government, we are doing politics to build the country.

■ You are the Defence Minister, questions are raised regarding the condition of our borders?

Our borders are completely safe, there have been a few incidents, talks are going on, results are awaited. Our government does not compromise in any way with the honor and respect of the country.

■ Would you like to say something about Kashmir?

The entire situation in Kashmir has changed. For the first time, there has been a huge voter turnout. I don’t remember there ever being so much voter turnout before.

■ Is BJP’s target of crossing 400 to achieve the target or to maintain the morale?

It is not right to call it a goal, we can call it a resolution. We are confident that we will work towards fulfilling this resolution.

■ What do you say about the opposition’s allegations regarding EVMs?

In the states where the opposition wins, there is no EVM tampering. Where it loses, there is talk of tampering.

■ How do you see the opposition alliance?

What kind of alliance is this? On one hand, they are fighting together with AAP in Delhi, while in Punjab, they are not together. There is a gathering, it will continue as long as it lasts.

■ Does Aam Aadmi Party win the Delhi Assembly elections?

Now Aam Aadmi Party has been exposed. They had said that if our government is formed in Delhi, we will not live in the Chief Minister’s residence. You will see that a palace has been built in the name of Chief Minister’s residence. Anna Hazare had said that after the movement, no political party will be formed, but his words were not followed and a party was formed. They say something and do something else. The country cannot accept such a person in any form.

■ Did you get more satisfaction working in power or working in an organization?

Both have their own place. When there is responsibility of a ministry and one gets a chance to work for the country, it gives immense satisfaction.

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