New Delhi. Chhattisgarh Governor Biswabhushan Harichandan and Chairman of the 16th Finance Commission Arvind Panagariya met President Draupadi Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan here on Friday. “Chhattisgarh Governor Biswabhushan Harichandan meets President at Rashtrapati Bhavan,” the President’s Office posted on the social media platform ‘X’. In another post, the President’s Office said, “Chairman of the 16th Finance Commission Dr. Panagariya meets President Draupadi Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan.”
Panagariya said in his social media post, “I made a courtesy call on the Honorable President of India. We had a wonderful conversation on many topics.” A user commented on this post, “Sir! Am I meeting the new Finance Minister of India?” To this, Panagariya replied, “Not at all. I met the President, not the Prime Minister.” The BJP-led alliance has won 293 seats in the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections. The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) on Friday elected Prime Minister Narendra Modi as its leader.