New Delhi: Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar said on Monday that India set a world record with the participation of 64.2 crore voters including 31.2 crore women in the Lok Sabha elections. Addressing reporters here, Rajiv Kumar said that more than 68,000 monitoring teams and more than 1.5 crore polling and security personnel were involved in the world’s largest voting process.
Kumar said, “India created a world record with the participation of 64.2 crore voters including 31.2 crore women in the Lok Sabha elections this year.” Referring to the Election Commissioners being named ‘missing gentlemen’ in some memes on social media, the Chief Election Commissioner said, “We were always here, never absent.”
He said, “Now the meme makers can say that the ‘missing gentleman’ is back.” Kumar said that about four lakh vehicles, 135 special trains and 1,692 flights were used for the Lok Sabha elections 2024.
“There were only 39 re-polls in the 2024 general election while there were 540 re-polls in 2019,” he said. The CEC further said Jammu and Kashmir witnessed the highest voter turnout in four decades — 58.58 per cent overall and 51.05 per cent in the Valley.
He said, “During the 2024 elections, seizures including cash, freebies, drugs and liquor worth Rs 10,000 crore were made, while in 2019, seizures were made worth Rs 3,500 crore.”