New Delhi. Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday said the NDA’s victory in the Lok Sabha elections is a “blessing of the people” to Prime Minister Narendra Modi who worked hard in the last 10 years to realise the dreams of the poor, women, backward classes and youth.
He also said that this is the victory of Modi’s ‘marathon’ effort of the last 23 years of public life, in which he did not take a single day off, did not care for himself and worked day and night only for the welfare of the country and countrymen. Shah said that the third consecutive victory has made it clear that the public’s trust is “only on Modi”.
The Union Home Minister said on the social media platform ‘X’, “I bow down to the people of the country for giving the NDA the opportunity to serve for the third consecutive time under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. The third consecutive victory has made it clear that the public’s faith is only and only with Modi ji.” He said that “This victory of the BJP for the third time is the result of the tireless hard work of our workers. I congratulate BJP National President Shri JP Nadda ji and all the BJP workers working hard in every part of the country for this victory.”
Shah said, “This victory of NDA is the blessing of the people for the way Modi Ji has worked hard in the last 10 years to fulfill the dreams of the poor, women, backward, deprived and youth of the country. I congratulate Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji for this victory.” He said, “This victory is the result of Modi Ji’s continuous sadhana, which does not know how to stop at any cost. This is the victory of Modi Ji’s marathon effort of working day and night only for the welfare of the country and countrymen, without taking a single day off, without caring for himself, in public life for the last 23 years.”
Shah also thanked the people of the country for giving the NDA under Modi’s leadership the opportunity to serve for the third consecutive time. He thanked the people of Andhra Pradesh for blessing the NDA alliance in the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. He said, “I congratulate my colleagues Shri N. Chandrababu Naidu, Shri Pawan Kalyan and BJP workers for this magnificent victory. The NDA under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is committed to fulfilling the aspirations of the people of Andhra Pradesh and taking the state to a new era of progress and development. Together we will shape the new destiny of the state.”
The Home Minister expressed his gratitude to the people of Odisha and posted, “I express my heartfelt gratitude to the people of Odisha for giving BJP the opportunity to serve the holy land of Mahaprabhu Jagannath ji.” He said, “This victory under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will prove the resolution of ‘Developed India, Developed Odisha’. I assure the people of the state that BJP will work with dedication for the all-round development of the state by promoting Odia language, Odia culture and Odia literature.”