New Delhi: After ending the election campaign, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Kanyakumari on Thursday evening. Here, a 45-hour meditation session is going on at the famous Vivekananda Rock Memorial.
During this time, PM Modi has included coconut water and other liquids in his diet. Let us tell you, before this, PM Modi addressed his last election rally in Hoshiarpur, Punjab. From here PM Modi reached Kanyakumari directly.
First of all, he offered prayers at Bhagavathi Amman Temple. During this time, PM Modi wore a white dhoti and a shawl. From here, he reached the famous Vivekananda Rock Memorial and started 45 hours of meditation.
Before beginning the meditation, Prime Minister Modi stood for a while on the stairs leading to the Mandapam, from where one can see a breathtaking view of the sea surrounding the monument.
(33 year old photo of PM Modi went viral, has an old relation with Vivekananda Rock Memorial)
Let us tell you that after the end of the election campaign in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Modi had meditated in the cave of Kedarnath.
Meditation will end on June 1st
PM Modi’s 45-hour meditation will end on June 1. The last phase of the Lok Sabha elections 2024 is to be held on this day. Exit polls will come in the evening of the same day.
Before leaving Kanyakumari after concluding the meditation on June 1, Modi is likely to visit the statue of Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar located next to the memorial.