New Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that his office (PMO) has become a “catalytic agent” that infuses new energy and dynamism into the system. He claimed that 10 years ago, the same PMO used to be the biggest centre of power.
Addressing the employees of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) on the occasion of the beginning of his third term as Prime Minister, Modi said that his only goal is ‘Nation First’ and his only inspiration is ‘Developed India’. He said that he has the same expectation from the employees. He promised to work round the clock to achieve the goal of making India a developed nation by 2047 and said, “My every moment is for the country.” He said that the PMO should become an institution of service and it should be the PMO of the people, not of Modi.
He said, “I am neither born for power nor do I think to acquire power.” Modi said that 140 crore people of India are always in his mind and he considers them a form of God. Indirectly referring to the election campaign in the last three months, Modi said that he saw their strength, dedication and energy for a new resolution. He said, “This is the reason why people have given him the opportunity to serve the country again.” Modi took oath as Prime Minister on Sunday.
According to an official statement, Modi said, “We have tried to develop the PMO as a catalytic agent that becomes a source of new energy and inspiration.” He underlined that those who are part of his team have no shortage of time or ideas. Modi said, “The whole country has faith in this team.” On this occasion, the Prime Minister thanked those who have been part of his team. He also invited those who want to be a part of his team.
He said, “Those who want to join the journey of ‘Developed India’ for the next five years and want to be a part of it and want to dedicate themselves to nation building, can join.” He said that he wants to take the country to new heights and he inspired his team to break the global ‘benchmark’ by performing better than what was done in the last 10 years.
Modi said, “We have to take the country to such heights which no other nation has ever been able to achieve.” He said that clarity of thought, strong faith and character of action are essential for success.
He said, “If we have these three things, I am sure failure will not be anywhere near.” Praising the employees of the Government of India, he said that they deserve a lot of credit for the achievements of the government. Modi said, “These elections have put a stamp on the efforts of government employees.” He encouraged the team to develop new ideas and increase the scale of work being done. The Prime Minister concluded the address by shedding light on the secret of his energy and said that a successful person is one who keeps alive the student within him.