Politics on Pidia encounter: Congress investigation team reached the spot, Baij demanded judicial investigation

The Uncut

Raipur. Congress has been attacking the BJP government over the police-Naxalite encounter that took place in the forests of Pidia on May 10 in Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh. The villagers also called this encounter fake and accused the soldiers of shooting innocent villagers. On Saturday, PCC chief Deepak Baij raised questions on this encounter in a press conference and demanded a judicial inquiry.

Baij said- Villagers were killed by calling them Naxalites

Mr. Baij said that our 8 member team had gone to the spot. Where our team was stopped from meeting the villagers and every effort was made to not reveal the truth. The soldiers fired indiscriminately on the villagers who had gone there to pluck tendu leaves. The investigation proves that, except for two people, the rest of the deceased lived a normal life. The police killed them by calling them Naxalites. He further said that about 80 tribals of the village had gone to the forest to pluck tendu leaves. Demanding an investigation of this entire incident, he said that this incident should be investigated under the supervision of a sitting judge of the High Court. It should be ensured that no innocent person is killed. So that innocent tribals are not encountered in the future.

12 Naxalites were killed in Pidia

Let us tell you that 12 Naxalites were killed in the police-Naxalite encounter in Pidia. On one hand, Bijapur and CRPF police had described the Naxalites killed in this encounter as hardcore and rewarded Naxalites. On the other hand, the local villagers of Pidia village had accused the security forces of killing the villagers in this encounter. The villagers said that the people killed in the encounter were not Naxalites but local villagers. They had gone to collect tendu leaves. But the soldiers killed these villagers by calling them Naxalites and killed them in an encounter with their bullets.

A team from Sarva Adivasi Samaj also reached to investigate

After the protest by the local villagers, the heads of Adivasi Mahasabha and Sarva Adivasi Samaj had also reached Pidia village. They had met the families of the alleged Naxalites killed. After this, the investigation team of Congress also reached Pidia village.

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