New Delhi. Shares of Adani Group companies fell sharply as the stock market collapsed on Tuesday and most hit the lower circuit limit. Counting trends indicate that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) may fall short of a clear majority in the Lok Sabha. This led to a big decline in the stock market. The market capitalization of the group’s 10 listed companies declined by Rs 3.64 lakh crore.
At the end of trading, Adani Ports’ stock plunged 21.26 percent, Adani Energy Solutions 20 percent, group’s flagship company Adani Enterprises 19.35 percent, Adani Green Energy 19.20 percent. Adani Total Gas fell 18.88 percent, NDTV 18.52 percent, Adani Power 17.27 percent and Ambuja Cement 16.88 percent. On the other hand, ACC’s stock fell 14.71 percent and Adani Wilmar 9.98 percent. During trading, eight out of the 10 companies of the group had reached the lower circuit.
During the trading session, Adani Enterprises fell to a low of 25 per cent. Adani Ports fell 25 per cent and Ambuja Cements fell 22.5 per cent to reach the low of the circuit. Adani Power fell 20 per cent and Adani Energy fell 20 per cent to reach the low of the circuit.
Adani Green fell 20 percent and Adani Total Gas fell 19.89 percent. NDTV fell 19.98 percent and ACC fell 19.69 percent to reach the lowest level on the circuit. Adani Wilmar’s stock also fell 10 percent to reach the lowest level on the circuit. The market capitalization of the 10 listed companies of the group fell by Rs 3,64,366.12 crore to Rs 15,78,346.79 crore. On Monday, the market capitalization of the listed companies of the group was Rs 19,42,712.91 crore.