Teacher jailed for appealing not to vote for Prime Minister Modi

The Uncut

Muzaffarpur. A government school teacher in Bihar was sent to jail for appealing in the class not to vote for Prime Minister Modi. An official gave this information on Sunday. Muzaffarpur Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Rakesh Kumar said, “After the District Education Officer lodged an FIR in this matter, a case has been registered against the said teacher for violating the model code of conduct.” Muzaffarpur District Education Officer Ajay Kumar Singh said that family members of many students of Government Secondary School located in Amarkh of Kudhani block had brought to his notice the conduct of teacher Harendra Rajak.

He said, “The family members of the students lodged a complaint that the teachers were telling the children that no one should vote for Prime Minister Modi because unfit food grains were being distributed under the free ration scheme.” Singh said, “Many male and female students in the class also confirmed that Rajak was saying such things inside the class.

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