Jammu. On Sunday evening, terrorists opened fire on a bus carrying pilgrims from Uttar Pradesh in Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir, causing the bus to fall into a ditch. Nine people were killed and 33 others were injured in this incident. A senior police officer gave this information. The bus was going from Shiv Khodi temple to Mata Vaishno Devi temple in Katra and during this time the attack took place near Teryath village in Poni area at around 6.15 pm and the 53-seater bus fell into a deep ditch after the firing.
Reasi Senior Superintendent of Police Mohita Sharma told reporters, “According to initial reports, terrorists ambushed and opened fire on the bus which was going from Shiv Khodi to Katra. The driver lost control of the vehicle and the bus fell into the ditch.” Sharma said that the rescue operation has been completed and so far nine people have died and 33 others have been injured. He said that the injured have been admitted to various hospitals.
The official said, “The deceased have not been identified, but initial reports suggest that they are all from Uttar Pradesh.” Locals rushed to the spot and helped the victims. Eyewitnesses shared horrific details about the attack. A survivor told how 25 to 30 bullets were fired on the bus, after which the bus fell into the ditch.
Another eyewitness said he saw a masked attacker wearing a red muffler opening fire on the bus.
An injured pilgrim from Banaras, admitted in the hospital of Terayath, said, “We had to leave at 4 pm, but the bus left at 5.30 pm and suddenly the bus was fired upon.”