The government has taken a big decision regarding cows: Instructions given to create a sanctuary, they will be taken complete care of

The Uncut

There is a plan to operate a Gauvansh Abhyaar in the state in coordination with the Animal Husbandry Department, Panchayat, Revenue and Forest Department. With the implementation of this plan, the cows roaming hungry and thirsty on the roads will not only get regular food. Along with this, proper care and medical facilities will be available for them. The Gauvansh Abhyaar will be full of proper living environment for the livestock.

CM Vishnu Dev Sai
CM Vishnu Dev Sai

causes of road accidents

It is noteworthy that the ownerless livestock roaming on the roads are not only creating hindrances for traffic but are also causing accidents every day. Eating garbage and plastic by hungry livestock also has an adverse effect on their health. Gauvansh Abhyaran Yojana will prove to be a positive step towards stopping this.

Instructions given to officers to prepare outline of cow sanctuary

Regarding this, CM Vishnu Dev Sai said that, through a concrete action plan, instructions have been given to the officials to prepare a blueprint of a cow sanctuary for ownerless livestock in the state with the motto of corruption free, service, security and promotion. When the proposed scheme is implemented, not only will the cows wandering hungry and thirsty on the roads get regular food, care and medical facilities, but accidents will also be curbed.

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