New Delhi. Congress on Tuesday said that the market was given an artificial ‘booster dose’ through ‘exit polls’ regarding the fall in the stock market after the Lok Sabha election trends came out. Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh also recalled the statement of the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the year 2004, in which he had said that the party is committed to the orderly and healthy development of financial markets, which reflects the fundamentals of the economy. Ramesh said that the party-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government provided fear-free governance for the private sector, which helped the country achieve its highest GDP growth.
He posted on ‘X’, “The financial markets, which were given an ‘artificial booster’ dose by the ‘exit poll’, are in turmoil today. In this context, it would be appropriate to recall the words of Dr. Manmohan Singh on May 17, 2004.” Quoting Singh’s statement, he said, “There is absolutely no need to panic in the market. Very soon the alliance will put forward its common minimum program. This program will reflect the commitment of the United Progressive Alliance to fiscal discipline, realistic growth-oriented tax policies.” Quoting Singh’s words, Ramesh said, “Congress is committed to the orderly and development of financial markets, which reflect the fundamentals of the economy. Our tax policies and foreign direct investment regime will be pro-growth and will create a favorable environment for both Indian and foreign enterprises.”