There will be transfers in the Revenue Department: There will be large scale transfers including Tehsildar, Naib Tehsildar, and Patwari

The Uncut

Raipur. The countdown for the code of conduct for the Lok Sabha elections 2024 has now begun in Chhattisgarh. After the counting of votes on June 4, the government will again come into action mode. If reliable sources are to be believed, the work of important announcements related to the public, foundation stone laying, inauguration, tender, supply, transfer and posting will start in the state.

After the formation of the new government in Chhattisgarh under the leadership of CM Vishnudev Sai, the transfer list of DSP to TI has been issued in the police department. But that type of transfers have not been done in the revenue department. Even when the revenue department transferred 40 tehsildars before the code of conduct, it got a stay from the High Court due to the government lawyers not defending the government properly. But the government is now preparing for a major surgery of the revenue department.

Tehsildar has been sitting in the same tehsil for 10 years

Reliable sources say that many Tehsildars, Naib Tehsildars and RIs are stuck in many tehsils for a long time. There are more than 50 such Tehsildars, Naib Tehsildars and Revenue Inspectors whose district has not changed in the last 10 years and they are stuck in the same tehsil for about five years. Vishnudev government is very serious about such employees of the Revenue Department. Even before the end of the code of conduct, the government has instructed the officers to prepare a list for the transfer of revenue officials.

There may be more than 100 transfers in the Revenue Department

In this case, CM Vishnudev Sai himself believes that the common man is most troubled by the employees of the Revenue Department. If there is the most looting in any department, then it is at the tehsil and patwari level. In the tehsil, no leaf moves without paying money. Officers say that there have been no transfers in the revenue department after the change of government, so the number can cross 100. Tehsildar, Naib Tehsildar and Patwari look after the work related to land and all the powerful people of the system are working on land these days. From land mafias to officers, leaders, everyone.

The government is going to tighten the noose

In such a situation, the staff of the tehsils form a strong alliance with them. This is the reason that if even a patwari is transferred, there is an uproar. Then there is so much money in the land that, in case of transfer or any action, the employees of the revenue department directly reach the High Court. The government is now going to tighten the noose on such employees.

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