Gandhinagar. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and Union Minister Mansukh Mandaviya is leading by more than 3.8 lakh votes in Porbandar Lok Sabha seat of Gujarat. Officials gave this information. Officials said that the counting process is nearing its end and the Union Health and Family Welfare Minister is ahead of his nearest rival Congress’ Lalit Vasoya by more than 3.8 lakh votes.
As per the data available till the time of writing the news, Mandaviya has so far received 6.25 lakh votes, while Vasoya has received 2.45 lakh votes. This is Mandaviya’s first Lok Sabha election. Before becoming a Rajya Sabha member from Gujarat, he had won the Palitana assembly seat in Bhavnagar district in 2002. Congress has fielded former party MLA Lalit Vasoya, who, like Mandaviya, belongs to the Patidar community.