health tips know the side effects of taking too much vitamin c can cause skin allergy digestive issues diarrhea Excessive intake of vitamin c can spoil not only your digestion but also your beauty, these are the disadvantages, health tips

The Uncut

Side Effects Of Taking Too Much Vitamin C: From glowing skin to boosting immunity, vitamin C provides many amazing health benefits. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, also known as ascorbic acid. The body needs vitamin C to boost immunity as well as for growth, development, repair of body tissue and to absorb iron. Despite being so beneficial for health, do you know that its excessive consumption can cause many major harms to health instead of benefits. Let us know about some such disadvantages of excessive consumption of vitamin C.

Vomiting and diarrhea-

Excessive consumption of Vitamin C can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Burning sensation in chest and headache-

Excessive consumption of vitamin C can increase the problem of acid reflux and heartburn in the stomach. Due to which sometimes the problem of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) can occur for a long time.

May cause damage to the skin-

Vitamin C plays an important role in getting glowing skin. But consuming it in excess can cause skin irritation or itching.

Pain in the stomach-

Excess of vitamin C can also be responsible for stomach stiffness and pain. Excess of vitamin C in the body can increase the problem of stomach stiffness and pain by imbalanced the digestive enzymes.

The amount of iron may increase in the body-

Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron in the body. In such a situation, excessive consumption of vitamin C can lead to excess iron in the body, which can damage the liver, heart, pancreas, thyroid and nervous system.

Kidney problems-

Excessive intake of vitamin C can increase the amount of oxalate in the body, which can increase the risk of kidney stones.

How much vitamin C is needed-

According to the NIH, women should take 75 mg of vitamin C daily and men should take 90 mg of vitamin C per day. During pregnancy, 120 mg per day is recommended. Consuming more vitamin C than this can harm health instead of benefiting it.

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