Baba Ramdev Shares Ayurvedic Diet plan to loose weight fast and easy Health Tips: Baba Ramdev told an effective diet plan to reduce increasing weight, the effect will be visible within a month, health tips

The Uncut

In today’s fast-paced life, obesity is becoming a common problem due to deteriorating lifestyle and eating habits. The biggest problem with obesity is that it brings with it a package of many diseases. Once the weight increases, then reducing it is like climbing Everest. If you are also troubled by your increasing weight and want to reduce it, then today we have brought for you an Ayurvedic diet prescribed by Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev. Who can tell better than Baba Ramdev about health? Swami ji has told very easy methods in this diet plan with the help of which you can lose a lot of weight within a month.

Eat nutritious porridge for breakfast

According to Baba Ramdev, if you want to reduce your weight, then regularly consume nutritious food Daliya in breakfast. This special Daliya is prepared by mixing wheat, millet, moong, rice, sesame and celery. After eating it in breakfast, the stomach remains full for a long time, due to which hunger does not occur. Along with this, the body also gets essential nutrients. By regularly consuming Daliya in breakfast, weight can be controlled to a great extent.

Drink gourd juice regularly

According to Baba Ramdev, gourd juice is also very effective in reducing weight. It contains plenty of fiber. Drinking it keeps the stomach full for a long time, which controls hunger. By drinking gourd juice regularly, increased weight comes under control quickly. You can start your day with gourd juice.

Chew Ashwagandha leaves daily

According to Baba Ramdev, by regularly consuming Ashwagandha leaves, one can lose 15 to 20 kg of weight in just a month. Ashwagandha leaves are rich in antioxidant properties, which boost metabolism and reduce fat accumulation. Eating this reduces weight rapidly. According to Baba Ramdev, regularly consuming three leaves of Ashwagandha in the morning, afternoon and evening works like a fat cutter in the body.

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