Women may face these problems related to uterus, know the symptoms and prevention

The Uncut

The reproductive system is an important part of women’s health, affecting fertility, menstruation and their general health. The main part of the reproductive system is the uterus. Proactive strategies for its good health include regular visits to the doctor and necessary lifestyle changes. At different stages of life, women face certain sexual and reproductive health challenges, such as irregular periods, declining fertility, cervical cancer screening, contraceptive options and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Apart from this, many women experience PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), which is a common hormonal imbalance. PCOS can cause irregular periods and problems in conceiving. About 10% of women of reproductive age suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome. Let’s know which diseases pose a threat to the health of the uterus:

These affect fertility

Endometriosis: In this, tissues like the lining of the uterus grow outside the uterus, causing vaginal pain and infertility. These tissues spread to the abdominal cavity, bladder, rectum, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Endometriosis causes severe pain and swelling before and during periods every month. This disease affects the lifestyle a lot.

Leiomyoma: Two out of ten women will be affected by leiomyoma (commonly called uterine fibroids, a type of non-cancerous growth arising from the muscle layer of the uterus) in their lifetime. These are not fatal. However, it is also true that in many women the symptoms of this disease are so severe that they may even become victims of infertility due to it.

Reluctance to have sex: Pain during intercourse or lack of desire for intercourse is also a common problem related to the reproductive system. This can happen to any woman at any time during the reproductive years, which varies according to the circumstances and seasons of life. It is important to understand that sexual diseases are not only related to physical problems, but can also be related to hormonal, psychological or social issues. To get rid of this problem, first you have to understand the factors that are responsible for this problem. These reasons include your emotional state, your dietary needs, how much intimacy you want and issues like sleep.

Infertility: Problems related to pregnancy and infertility also have a major impact on a woman’s reproductive health. According to researchers, there are five main causes of infertility in women. These include infertility due to unknown reasons, infection, uterine and cervical problems, hormonal imbalance, ovulatory disorders, structural problems and infection. Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is a major cause of concern in ovulatory disorders. This is a natural phenomenon, but occurs very early and the ovaries stop producing eggs at the age of 40. In some women, this can result in early decline in ovarian function and early effects of menopause on bones, heart, etc. Let’s know what things to keep in mind to keep the reproductive system safe:

Regular checkups and examinations are necessary

In addition to your regular appointments with your gynecologist for annual checkups, you should also schedule annual checkups with your physician. Your gynecologist will perform a pelvic exam to tell if your reproductive system is working well. In addition to a breast exam, your doctor will check you for signs of breast lumps/cancer and perform a Pap smear test to screen for cervical cancer. Regular mammograms, Pap smears, and HPV tests will help detect abnormalities early and increase the chances of successful treatment if any are found.

Avoid harsh cleaners

When washing your private parts, avoid using harsh cleaners or perfumed soaps available in the market. These products can irritate the skin or possibly promote disease. Instead, wash your external genital area (vulva) with a mild, unscented soap. If unscented soap still causes irritation, you can use lukewarm plain water instead.

Wear appropriate undergarments

This advice is especially important for women who are more prone to yeast infections. Since yeast thrives in moist places, adequate ventilation is essential to control it. Wear cotton undergarments. Make sure your underwear is not too tight to prevent urinary tract infections. Avoid dirty toilet sets.

Practice safe sex practices

Practice safe sex. This means engaging in sexual activity in a way that protects you and your partner from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Using condoms not only prevents pregnancy, but also provides protection against many STIs (sexually transmitted infections).

Easy habits, healthy uterus

Eat a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc. Eat green leafy vegetables, nuts and berries. You will get relief from inflammation. Consuming foods rich in calcium and vitamin D will help in avoiding endometriosis and fibroids.

Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Regular exercise will improve blood circulation and improve the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to the uterus.

According to various studies, keeping weight under control reduces the risk of fibroids, PCOS and endometrial cancer.

Stay away from stress. Excessive secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone in the body, increases hormonal imbalance and also affects fertility and menstrual cycle.

(The author is Gynecologist and Head of Robotic Surgery Department at Asian Hospital, Faridabad)

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